Segunda/Monday - Sexta/Friday (8:00/8:00AM – 18:00/6:00PM)
+55 91 3201-7181

Yomara Pires

PhD in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Computational Intelligence (UFPA, 2009).

Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Applied Computing (UFPA, 2003).

Bachelor’s Degree in Data Processing (UNAMA, 1997).

Graduated in Technologist in Data Processing from the University of the Amazon (1997), master in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará (2003) and doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará (2009). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), working at the Faculty of Computing (FACOMP) and the Postgraduate Program in Anthropic Studies in the Amazon (PPGEAA) at the University Campus of Castanhal. She is coordinator of PPGEAA / UFPA, at master’s level. He coordinates the project Meninas Paid’éguas, a project belonging to the Girls Digital Program of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Has experience in Computer Science and Software Engineering, acting on the following subjects: software engineering, informatics and education, artificial intelligence, data mining and affective computing.

Lattes curriculum