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The UFPAtelecom is a dataset of LTE and GSM signals which aims to help education, research and development. As an example, modulation classification algorithms [1] can be tested using the signals available in this dataset. All the signals were saved in a bin file (little endian format) using the ‘float’ variable.

The dataset is composed of the following signals:

1) LTE artificial downlink band base signals.
2) LTE artificial uplink band base and pass band signals:
3) LTE digitized downlink signals
4) GSM digitized downlink signals

The dataset is available for download here

If you use this dataset in your work, please cite:

title={An Experimental Setup for Research in Cognitive Radio and Teaching Digital Transmission},
author={Almeida, Igor and R{\^e}go, Luciana and Cabral, Marcel and Freitas, Lilian and Klautau, Aldebaro}


[1]. CASTRO, Adalbery ; Freitas, Lílian C. ; Cardoso Jr., Claudomir ; COSTA, João Crisóstomo Weyl ; Klautau, Aldebaro . Modulation Classification in Cognitive Radio. In: Samuel Cheng. (Org.). Foundation of Cognitive Radio Systems. 1ed.Rijeka: InTech, 2012, v. 1, p. 43-60.

[2]. Almeida, Igor ; Rêgo, Luciana ; Cabral, Marcel Santos ; Freitas, Lílian C. ; Klautau, Aldebaro . An Experimental Setup for Research in Cognitive Radio and Teaching Digital Transmission. In: I2TS’2008 – 7th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium, 2008, Foz do Iguaçú. I2TS’2008, 2010.

[3]. Rêgo, Luciana ; Almeida, Igor ; MEDEIROS, E. ; Freitas, Lilian ; Klautau, Aldebaro . Uma Base de Sinais Pública Para Ensino e Pesquisa em Telecomunicações. In: XXVII SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – SBrT 2009, 2009, Blumenal – SC. XXVII SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – SBrT 2009. Blumenal: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES, 2009. v. 1. p. 1-6. (In portuguese)